Mid Reversal
(against opponent's right mid punch) Youhou - Recovers Standing
(against opponent's left mid punch or mid elbow) Gaimon Chouchu - Recovers Standing
(against opponent's mid kick) Tan'yokuchou - Recovers Standing
(against opponent's right side kick) Jouho Shoukou - Recovers Standing
(against opponent's left side kick) Haiho Richu - Recovers Standing
(against opponent's knee) Senpu Soushou - Recovers Standing
(against opponent's somersault) Shoutenkou - Recovers Standing
Mid Reversal recovers Standing |
Execution: 1 (10 Active)
R: opponent down (40+α damage)
30 Total Frames (no contact)
Properties and Description: Against opponent's right mid punch
Miscellaneous Notes:
Gaimon Chouchu
Mid Reversal recovers Standing |
Execution: 1 (10 Active)
R: opponent down (40+α damage)
30 Total Frames (no contact)
Properties and Description: Against opponent's left mid punch or mid elbow
Miscellaneous Notes:
Mid Reversal recovers Standing |
Execution: 1 (10 Active)
R: opponent down (40+α damage)
30 Total Frames (no contact)
Properties and Description: Against opponent's mid kick
Miscellaneous Notes:
Jouho Shoukou
Mid Reversal recovers Standing |
Execution: 1 (10 Active)
R: opponent down (40+α damage)
30 Total Frames (no contact)
Properties and Description: Against opponent's right middle
Miscellaneous Notes:
Haiho Richu
Mid Reversal recovers Standing |
Execution: 1 (10 Active)
R: opponent down (40+α damage)
30 Total Frames (no contact)
Properties and Description: Against opponent's left middle
Miscellaneous Notes:
Senpu Soushou
Mid Reversal recovers Standing |
Execution: 1 (10 Active)
R: opponent down (40+α damage)
30 Total Frames (no contact)
Properties and Description: Against opponent's knee
Miscellaneous Notes:
Mid Reversal recovers Standing |
Execution: 1 (10 Active)
R: opponent down (40+α damage)
30 Total Frames (no contact)
Properties and Description: Against opponent's somersault
Miscellaneous Notes:
Akira - Main Page / Index
Version: VF5FS Version A.1
1. Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown Master Guide - Majority of Frame Data (Pre-Version A).