My personal blog for Virtua Fighter

A lot of the old assets are not working anymore in this blog. What I had intended for this blog to be, a very well-organized notebook for the latest version of Virtua Fighter will now be transferred over to a private discord. I might use this blog instead for a variety of VF articles.

November 8, 2012

[Aoi] Default Stance

Options from the Default Stance.  Please use the names above the images to identify moves and ignore the names on the images (especially for the throws).  For strikes, the number within the brackets is the execution speed.  For throws, the letters within the bracket is the throw escape direction (forward, down, catch, etc).

Default - High Strike Options
  1. [12] Datotsu - [Ps] - options
  2. [13] Ouda - [fs][Ps][ts][Ks] - options
  3. [14] Joudan Keri'ate - [Ks] - options
  4. [16] Kamageri - [bs][Ks] -
  5. [16] Uzumaki Shutou - [bs][bs][Ps] - recovers to Back Turned
  6. [17] Ougimai - [bs][Ps] - options
  7. [19] Jousei Ryusenshou - [bs][bs][Ps][ts][Ks] - options
  8. [23] Ryusen - [dfs][Ps][ts][Ks] or [ufs][Ps][ts][Ks] - options
  9. [25] Shigure - [Ks][ts][Gs] -

Default - Mid Strike Options
  1. [13] Ryoushi - [bs][dfs][Ps] -
  2. [14] Chudan Hiji'ate - [fs][Ps] - options
  3. [15] Hou'oushu - [dfs][Ps] -
  4. [15] Namigaeshi - [fs][bs][Ps][ts][Ks] - options
  5. [15] Tengu Otoshi - [ds_][dfs][Ps][ts][Ks] - options
  6. [16] Nami'okoshi - [dfs][Ps][ts][Ks] -
  7. [16] Inshou - [bs][dfs][Ps][ts][Ks] -
  8. [16] Musouha - [ds_][dfs][Ps] - options
  9. [17] Maegeri - [dfs][Ks] -
  10. [17] Kasane'ate - [bs][fs][Ps] - options
  11. [17] Koromoguruma - [fs][fs][Ps] - options
  12. [18] Raijinha - [fs][Ks] - options
  13. [18] Sodeshinken - [dfs][dfs][Ps][ts][Ks] - options
  14. [18] Sanseigan - [fs][fs][Ps][ts][Ks] - options
  15. [18] Sou'unha - [fs][fs][Ks] -
  16. [21] Sayo'arashi - [Ps][ts][Ks] -
  17. [22] Shinchuzuki - [ds][dfs][fs][Ps][ts][Ks] -
  18. [22] Ogamigeri - [bs][Ks][ts][Gs] -
  19. [23] Soushouda - [bs][fs][Ps][ts][Ks] -
  20. [23] Shizuriyuki - [fs][Ks][ts][Gs] -
  21. [25] Tsumujikaze - [fs][bs][Ps] -

Default - Low Strike Options
  1. [12] Gedan Shouda - [ds][Ps] -
  2. [14] Gedan Keri'ate - [dbs][Ks] -
  3. [16] Kasumigeri - [ds][Ks] - options
  4. [20] Kusanagi - [ds][Ks][ts][Gs] - options
  5. [23] Tsukiashibarai - [dbs][Ps] -

Default - Throw Options
  1. [NT] Aiki'otoshi - [Ps][ts][Gs] -
  2. [FT] Okurite Mawashi - [bs][fs][Ps][ts][Gs] -
  3. [FT] Oboroguruma - [ds_][fs][Ps][ts][Gs] -
  4. [FT] Taiboku Taoshi - [ds][bs][us][fs][Ps][ts][Gs] or [us][bs][ds][fs][Ps][ts][Gs] - options
  5. [FT] Wakigarami - [bs][dbs][ds][dfs][fs][Ps][ts][Gs] - options
  6. [FT] Hikichigai - [fs][Ps][ts][Gs] - options
  7. [BT] Kiri'e Otoshi - [ds][fs][us][bs][Ps][ts][Gs] or [us][fs][ds][bs][Ps][ts][Gs] -
  8. [BT] Hangetsuha - [fs][bs][Ps][ts][Gs] -
  9. [BT] Itoguruma - [bs][Ps][ts][Gs] -
  10. [BT] Aikinage - [ds_][bs][Ps][ts][Gs] -
  11. [BT] Chougarami - [fs][dfs][ds][dbs][bs][Ps][ts][Gs] - options
  12. [DT] Tekime Toushin - [ds][Ps][ts][Gs] -
  13. [FD] Ude'osae Ura - [dfs][Ps][ts][Gs] -
  14. [BD] Shin No Kurai - [dbs][Ps][ts][Gs] -

Default - Other Options
  1. High Reversal - [bs][Ps][ts][Ks] - against punch, kick, circular, 2 hands, 2 legs, head, elbow, or knee
  2. Mid Reversal - [dbs][Ps][ts][Ks] - against punch, kick, circular, 2 hands, 2 legs, head, elbow, side kick, knee, somersault, shoulder, or back
  3. Low Reversal - [ds][Ps][ts][Ks] - against punch, kick, circular, 2 hands, 2 legs, or head
  4. Tenchi In'you - [Ps][ts][Ks][ts][Gs] - against high and mid punch, kick, elbow, side kick or knee / options
  5. Walk [General] - [bs_], [ubs_], [us_], [ufs_], or [fs_] and continue holding any direction
  6. Crouch [General] - [ds_]
  7. Forward Dash [General] - [fs][fs]
  8. Back Dash [General] - [bs][bs]
  9. Forward Crouch Dash [General] - [dfs][dfs]
  10. Back Crouch Dash [General] - [dbs][dbs]
  11. Run [General] - [fs][fs_]
  12. Defensive Move [General] - [us][ns] or [ds][ns]
  13. Offensive Move [General] - [us][ns][Ps][ts][Ks][ts][Gs] or [ds][ns][Ps][ts][Ks][ts][Gs]
  14. Jump - [ubs][Gs], [us][Gs], or [ufs][Gs] - options
  15. Standing Guard [General] - [Gs]
  16. Crouching Guard [General] - [ds][Gs]

Aoi - Main Page / Index

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